
Ms. Hollowell exercised by jogging soccer 5 days last week.Each day she exercised, she played soccer for 30 minutes.She jogged an equal number of minutes each of the 5 days.She exercised for a total of 350 minutes last week.Mr. Rubino also exercised by jogging and playing soccer 5 days last week.He played soccer for a total of 120 minutes during the week.He jogged 20 minutes more each day than Ms. Hollowell.Determine the total number of minutes Mr. Rubino exercised last week.

Accepted Solution

Answer:Mr Rubino exercised 420 minutes last weekStep-by-step explanation:Lets analyse the exercise routine of Ms Hollowell by creating a table:[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}Total&Soccer&Jogging\\350&30*5&j*5\end{array}\right][/tex]We used the information given to us, and considering that she each day she played soccer 30 minutes per day, we write for the five days a total of 5* 30 minutes = 150 minutes. Since the only value we don't know is the number of minutes she jogged per day, we replaced it with the letter "j". Therefore the total number of minutes she jogged those 5 days is he product : j * 5now we can solve for "j" in the following equation that adds the totals of each activity to result in 350 minutes:[tex]350 = 150 + 5*j\\350-150=5*j\\200=5 * j\\j=\frac{200}{5} =40[/tex]Therefore we know that she jogged 40 minutes per day.Now, with this info we can calculate how many minutes Mr Rubino exercised, using a similar analysis, and taking into account that his info for number of minutes played comes for the total of the 5 days (no need this time to multiply by 5), and using that he jogged 20 minutes more per day than Ms Hollowell did (she did 40 minutes per day). then Mr Rubbino did (40+20)= 60 minutes of jogging per day. His table then can be written as:[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}Total&Soccer&Jogging\\?&120&60*5\end{array}\right][/tex]Now the total number of minutes he exercised can be calculated easily:Total minutes = 120 + 300 = 420 minutes